Wavesailing Adventures

Wavesailing Adventures

Montag, 28. Dezember 2015

slowly back to ocean rythm...with obstacle

 December has been great so far...good wavesailing and tasty surfing as well...me slowly getting back to ocean life and enjoing "el mar" to the max!! Feels good...
The only tricky thing was breaking my nose twice yesterday...it was the last southwind and the swell in Cotillo picked up quite but it was gusty and sometimes windholes on the way out crossing the shorebreak...and me totally destroyed from the session one day before and light touch of angina...couldnt pass the last wave and let go of my material and let myself fall smooth in the wave...like so often...thinking my material is already on the way to the beach!!!...and Bam under water my board hit me hard on the nose and I hear something breaking...when I came to the surface lots of blood running out of my nose and mouth...double fracture!! Today a cool doc broke it back to straight but now it starts hurting...but it looks okay again...yesterday I had a face of a Boxing Guy...hahaha...but for now some days vacation on land...but its cool :)



Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2015

back to the ocean

yeah...after 7 month not seeing the ocean at all...Im finally back home and ready to surf some waves! ...and getting fit again... :) ...after visiting my grandmum and mum ...I got some extra kilos on my rips...hahaha...but should be okay soon...I hope...but christmas is about to come...ohohhhh...

...I wish everybody a Good Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

...and in this crazy times of war, massive environmental problems, human and animal tragedies I send extra positive vibes, peace and love out there and wish and hope for a better time to come! ...I wish...

...classic cotillo closeout welcome for me! I like