Wavesailing Adventures

Wavesailing Adventures

Montag, 7. Juli 2014

Magic eastcoast conditions!!

This session was magic to me! When we arrived at the spot there was not really any wind and some bogyboarders were in the water... The waves were small but beautiful!! I was waiting and thinking to might go surfing a little bit... But some gusts came through and I decided to rigg my 5,0 Firelight and try my luck...cool decision...After half an hour on the water the air particels start to move slowly more  and the boggies went back on land! Yeah, right place at the right moment I thought ...  3-4 feet peeling waves and 15 knots sideoff!! Just magic!!! Hope for more...

Thx to sarah for all the pics...check out her FB-pages if you like:

                                           "Sarah Rosowski Photography"  and  "Sariyoga"

for a diashow click on the first pic!

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