Wavesailing Adventures

Wavesailing Adventures

Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014

Cotillo "nice" vibes part.2

this day our plan was to go just surfing and chilling on the beach. The waves were nice and the wind max 10 knots so still glassy... suddenly the wind picked up another 2 knots and the first kiters started to launch!! what is good for the kiters also for my lightweight plus a 5,0 firelight is great!!! so I went back to the car for my windsurfstuff and my friend who usally goes kiting on the lagoon went for his kite...good decision, we had 2 nice hours on the water :) !!

for a diashow click on the first pic!

everybody likes to watch windsufing...
....everybody.... :)

going SUB

Rubi scoring a good one on the left backdoor...

nice one!!!

Montag, 23. Juni 2014

Cotillo vibes

Here some impressions of my last cotillo sessions! Waves are always great but the wind is often very light... when you are ok with lightwind conditions, you can have a lots of days on the ocean here...I like it...