Wavesailing Adventures

Wavesailing Adventures

Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Morocco Part 6 "Essaouira with SW aka the Muddwaves-Session"

When SW winds are coming over the atlantic and hit the coast of Morocco, its starts to rain. Then the moroccan rivers starts awaking, bringing lots of stuff and soil and dirt to the ocean.
This happens sometimes in Essaouira!
The wind pushes here the riverwater with all the things inside the bay...and here we go: mudd and soil wavesession!
And I loved it!!
But attention: woodpieces and somtimes dead animals down the line...

Dienstag, 9. April 2013

Morocco Part 5 "Somewhere around Essaouira"

Here some pics of me having a fun session. Loving my Superfreak"Maui Edition" 4.2!
Its a great unbreakable sail! !!
Anyway since 1 year Im riding now my Hotsails in hardcorewave conditions sometimes, and until yet, all are entire!!! incredible!!! And I really try to rip it hard, always! But better that it is this way, I guess.
All pics made by Sarah Rosowski,thanks a lot!!!
Happy ripping to all!!